Toiletry Drive to Benefit Thrive DC

For our first Kindness Project, we are excited to lend a helping hand to homeless women and children who receive assistance from Thrive, DC ( a nonprofit organization that provides showers, laundry services and daily essentials, free-of-charge, to homeless women and their children in the DC area.

During this teen-run activity, teens will have a chance to learn about homelessness, hand-make toiletry bags, and assemble donated travel-sized toiletry items into full kits. After that, teens will have a chance to write a kind message that can be included in the kits. We are hopeful teens will have positive experiences, knowing together with other teens, their kindness can support the confidence and self-respect of homeless people and can make a meaningful difference. In addition, teens who participate in the event will be able to earn volunteer hours for school.

Date: 10/28/18
Time: 3:00p-4:30p
Location: Dulles South Fire Department

This event is done.